The Bible warns: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14). An ox and a donkey can't work in the same harness. Why? Because their natures are different! When God says "no" to certain things He's not being difficult, He's being protective. Heed Him! Wise Up! *Bishop E. Earl Jenkins , aug 2011
"Matar a un niño indefenso, y que lo haga su madre, da a los varones, licencia absoluta, sin límites de abusar del cuerpo de la mujer porque la tragedia se la traga ella, y se la traga como si fuera un derecho: el derecho a vivir toda la vida apesadumbrada por un crimen que siempre deja huellas en la conciencia y para el que ni los médicos ni los psiquiatras, ni todas las técnicas conocen el remedio" *Javier Marinez, catholic archibishop of granada dec 2009 (in those lines he talke about a supposed "right" of men to assault women who choise for abortion....).
No doubt, to be "men of faith", often christian ministries (and not only them obviously) talk (and act, directly or indirectly) as sowers of hate, no matter if they justify it using biblical language or a supposed God's will, it is. The question is: how to relate -and if can be related- the christian awakening up started during late '70 of past century (the same time of muslim and rabbi awakening, probably is not a coincidence) with the objective "low tide" of civil right wave and the increasing of an economic model based on supremacy withut compromises and with a progressive reduction of work protection.
Is it clear that , starting with pope Ratzinger in catholic area, and with those protestant preachers so integralist to run a race with mujahiddin in orthodoxy, progressive movements as peace corps or theology of freedom are over and churches, as happened in XIX and first half of XX century are now a coloumn to preserve status quo, that means now neo liberism on a planetary scale, and this to have again by governments (that are often very less representative of their people due to electoral systems not proportional and often influenced by economy) monopoly on instruction, moral and marriage and as counterpart offer to government sinlence on economic and social injusties or, worse, to orient people in believing that is freedom and not the oppression of the rich and global firms at the fundament of social diseguality, that public health is less important than omosexuality, than rape is less important or even a consequence of pro choice policy, that instruction is better if religious and that freedom is...freedom to believe what they want to teach. Using the words of a latin hystorian, tacitus: "They make a desert and call it peace"
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